
  1. in
  2. power
  3. effect
  4. authority
  5. Noun action
  6. importance
  7. result
  8. influence
  9. Noun implication
  10. impression
  11. sequence
  12. touch
  13. hold
  14. amount
  15. virtue
  16. sympathy
  17. prestige
  18. bite
  19. penetration
  20. efficacy
  21. potency
  22. sway
  23. imprint
  24. muscle
  25. impact
  26. poignancy
  27. heft
  28. weightiness
  29. wind
  30. Noun impingement
  31. weight
apply (a legal rule) Verb, Private International Law
(photo) halo effect
leveraging Noun, Competition Law
peer influence Noun, Psychology
peer influence Noun, Psychology
announcement effect
cumulative effect
bombshell Noun
boomerang effect Noun, Communication
boomerang effect Noun
effect of growth Noun
multiplier effect Noun
environmental impact
environmental effect
environmental impact assessment Noun, Environment-Ecology
deflationary influence
domino effect Noun
domino effect Noun
inflatory effect
impact of inflation
inflationary effect
inflationist impact
inflationist impact
inflationist squeeze
crowding-out effect
price effect
breaking effect
breaking efficiency
breaking power
breaking force
breaking action
breaking efficiency
breaking force
breaking power
breaking effect
breaking action
income effect
halo effect
substitution effect
the action of the drug on the nervous system
illuminating effect
heating effect
leveraging Noun, Competition Law
floating effect Aviation
butterfly effect Noun
cyclical influence
founder effect (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları) Noun, Biology
cost impact
cost effect
reaction of cost on prices
leverage effect
cash budget
cash budget
cash effect
screening effect
pigou effect
foreclosure effect Noun, Competition Law
placebo effect Noun, Psychology
portfolio effect Noun, Competition Law
welfare effect Noun, Competition Law
advertising effectiveness
sales impact
network effect Noun, Competition Law
greenhouse effect Noun, Environment-Ecology
spillover effect Noun, Competition Law
flutter effect
induced income effect
lake woebegone effect
alienation effect Noun, Communication
neutral consumption effect
spillover effect Noun, Competition Law
knock-on effect
adverse effect Noun, Medicine
adverse reaction Noun, Medicine
(statistics) main effect
binding effect
decisive influence Noun, Competition Law
chilling effect Noun
deterrent effect Noun, Military
direct effect
stage effect
economic influence
useful work
galvanic action
delaying effect
general effect
overall effect
visual impact
adverse effect Noun, Medicine
adverse reaction Noun, Medicine
curative effect
political impact
counter effect
opposing effect
decisive influence
telling effect
negative impact Noun
detrimental effect Noun
global impact Noun
mechanical effect
influence for good
negative impact Noun
negative influence Noun
adverse effect Noun, Pharmacology
bad influence Noun
political impact
afterwardness Noun, Psychoanalysis
après-coup Noun, Psychoanalysis
permanent effect
collateral effect
cumulative effect
improper influence
distant action
action at a distance Noun, Physics
impulsive action
externality Noun, Economics
side effect Noun, Pharmacology
calming effect
local influence
destructive effect
agent of influence Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
zone of influence Noun
area of influence Noun
reach Noun
impact area Noun
sphere of influence Noun
impact area Noun
cross-domain Information Technology
malleability Noun
to do Verb
to affect Verb
mechanism of action Noun, Pharmacology
impact scheduling
effect doctrine Noun, Competition Law
drive and initiative
to produce an effect Verb
law of effect Noun, Psychology
to not register with sb Verb
environmental assessment report Noun, Environment-Ecology
environmental impact assessment
environmental impact assessment (EIA) Noun, Environment-Ecology
to pack a punch Verb
political clout
impact test
political clout

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir kimse, bir nesne veya durumun ... kendini hissettiren gücü, tesir