
  1. Noun improvement
  2. Noun development
  3. growth
  4. progress
  5. Noun improvement
  6. process
  7. perfection
  8. Noun cultivation
  9. Noun enhancement
  10. build-up
  11. Noun advancement
  12. thriving
  13. boom
  14. growing
  15. aging
  16. Noun betterment
  17. outgrowth
  18. germination
  19. developing
  20. upswing
  21. maturing
  22. efflorescence
  23. evolvement
  24. prospering
  25. pick up
  26. Noun evolution
  27. upgrowth
  28. aftergrowth
  29. upspring
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Proper Name, International Economy
Declaration on the Right to Development Noun, International Law
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Proper Name, International Economy
transit-oriented development (TOD) Noun, Urban Planning
slow growth
political miracle
balanced growth
balanced development
balanced growth
growth in the economy
economic expansion
economic development
economic upswing
interest rate development
potentiality Noun
mushroom growth
personal progress
potentiality Noun
adverse event
breaking news Noun
zero growth
industrial development
engineering development
development in technology
technological advance Noun
technological progress
business progress
boom of production goods
long-term development
development area
period of development
developmental age
degree of development
promising market
growing pains Noun
in process of development
in process of developments
Alliance for progress
capacity to develop
to improve Verb
to be coming along Verb
to progress Verb
to come on Verb
to make gains Verb
to show improvement Verb
development potentialities Noun
progress report Noun
african development bank
african development bank Noun
formative years of a child Noun
to progress on something Verb
to progress in something Verb
right of accrual
potential for growth
economic growth rate
to never look back Verb
United Nations Industrial Development Organization Proper Name, Organizations
Directorate General for Regional Development and Structural Harmonization Noun, Organizations
High Board of Regional Development Noun, Organizations

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Gelişmek işi, neşvünemâ