
  1. independent
  2. voluntary
  3. free
  4. spare
  5. liberal
  6. at large
  7. floating
  8. open
  9. broad
  10. unchecked
  11. unrestricted
  12. unbridled
  13. unfettered
  14. unrestrained
  15. unconstrained
  16. footloose
  17. solute
  18. leisured
  19. unobstructed
  20. quit
  21. leisure
  22. disengaged
  23. untrammeled
  24. go as you please
  25. at leisure
  26. at ease
  27. (woman) who behaves in too free-and-easy way around men
  28. dégagé
probation Noun, Law
free movement of services Noun, International Law
release on bail Noun, Law
private practitioner Noun, Medicine
private practice Noun, Medicine
private practitioner Noun, Medicine
private practice Noun, Medicine
public accountant Noun, Accounting
certified public accountant Noun, Accounting
degree of freedom (DoF) Noun, Statistics
release pending trial Verb, Law
chartered accountant Noun, Accounting
admission free
free gold
free depreciation
open ground
free throw Noun, Sports
free kick Noun, Football
free balance
free balloon
free press
liberation Noun
emancipation Noun
deregulation Noun
to grant release
letting out
relinquishment Noun
to unloose Verb
to disengage Verb
to let loose Verb
to liberate Verb
to set someone foq Verb
to turn loose Verb
to give a free run Verb
to deallocate Verb, Information Technology
to cut adrift Verb
to affranchise Verb
to set free Verb
to leave at liberty Verb
to discharge Verb
to free Verb
to be allowed to go free Verb
to emancipate Verb
to unleash Verb
to loose Verb
to release Verb
(prices) to decontrol Verb
to decontrol Verb
free trade zone
free zones Noun
free trade areas Noun
free play
free translation
loose translation
freehold farm
free born
free circulation
convertible currency
free exchange rate
free fall Noun, Physics
foq- thinker
liberal thinker
independent thinker
free education
free economy
freehand Information Technology
frc- hand
liberal- mindedness
free price
free fas
open price
open door
free ingress and egress
free enterprise
free enterpriser
open day
all-in wrestling
all in wrestling
catch-as-catch-can wrestling
free movement
(telephone) free line
free line Communication
free agency
liberation Noun
emancipation Noun
to free yourself Verb
unlicensed broker
free speech
external convertibility
free quota
untied credits Noun
free rate
floating rates of exchange
foreign exchange rates
loose tongue
free port
bonded port
sufferance wharf
free goods
free good
self-employment Noun
professional service
professional occupation
liberal professions Noun
free arts Noun
free deposits
free trade
certified public accountant Noun, Accounting
free enterpriser
to be free Verb
free play
open market
curb market
outside market
inofficial market
competitive market
over-the-corner market
unofficial usm
bc hours
open market
free market
pure competition
free competition
open competition
free of competition
general reserve
voluntary reserve
discretionary reserve
free reserves Noun
uncommitted reserves Noun
vacant hour
free elections Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
free city
free trade union
free bonds Noun
free equity Noun, Accounting
free bonds Noun
free translation
free enterprise
listless trading
free flight
free assets Noun
unencumbered assets Noun
free verse
free kick Noun, Football
frc- kick
loose- leaf
free publication
power typing Information Technology
free reserves Noun
bill of sufferance
light marching order