
  1. Noun, Law judgement
  2. Noun, Law provision
  3. decision
  4. account
  5. thought
  6. sentence
  7. conclusion
  8. influence
  9. finding
  10. rule
  11. clause
  12. hold
  13. award
  14. Noun, Law determination
  15. Noun judgment
  16. Noun, Law conviction
  17. grip
  18. statute
  19. verdict
  20. ruling
  21. Noun domination
  22. doom
  23. decree
  24. mastery
  25. Noun, Law pronouncement
  26. dictum
  27. Noun adjudication
  28. sway
  29. ascendant
  30. precept
  31. ascendance
  32. legal decision
  33. Noun, Law arbitrament
  34. judicium
  35. prescript
maintenance order
verdict of not guilty
effect of a contract
sentence Noun, Law
execution of sentence Noun, Criminal Law
majority verdict
market flex caluse Noun, Banking
provision for retirement
tenure provision
exceptive clause
provisional judgment
custodial sentence
sentence of imprisonment
body of laws Noun, Law
sentenced person Noun, Criminal Law
sentence of death
dead sentence
death warrant
death sentence
decree in bankruptcy
legal provision Noun, Law
provision of the law Noun, Law
reign of law
award of alimony (maintenance)
bastardy order
death sentence
non-compete clause Noun, Law
noncompetition covenant Noun, Law
noncompete covenant Noun, Law
noncompete covenant Noun, Law
noncompetition covenant Noun, Law
insurance clause
contractual clause
term of a contract Noun, Civil Law
verdict of guilty
arbitrager arbitragist clause
possessory judgement
implied term, implied provision Noun, Contract Law
sober judgment
governing provision Noun, Law
mandatory provision Law
governing provision Law
key provision
penal provision
irrevocable judgement
mandatory provision Noun, Law
reserved judgment
void judgment Noun
provisional article Noun, Law
judgment given in default
judgement by default
mild judgment Noun
light judgment Noun
erroneous judgment
administrative determination
optional provision
exceptional provision
rule of law
legal formula
definite judgment
iron clad clause
final judgement
definite sentence
considered judgment
considered judgement
definitive sentence
final sentence
definitive judgement Noun, Law
judgment at law Noun, Law
partial verdict
partial judgment Noun
lenient judgment
provisional judgment
nice judgment
negative provision
final sentence
previous judgment Noun
preconceived notion
parti pris
preconceived idea
personal judgment Noun
harsh judgment Noun
restrictive provision Noun, Law
essential provision
defended judgment
judgment after trial
subsidiary sentence
false verdict
misjudg e ment
inadequate sentence
absence of consideration
to issue a (formal) decree Verb
judgment book Noun
sentencing state Noun, International Law
to be effectual Verb, Law
operative provisions Noun, Law
operative provisions
condemnation Noun, Criminal Law
to convict Verb, Law
those sentenced Noun, Law
conviction Noun, Law
to receive a sentence Verb
convicted Adjective, Law
day of judgment
issuing a court order Noun, Law
abstract of judgement
government Noun
to ride Verb
to obtain Verb
to be rife Verb
to rule Verb
adjudication Noun
to reach a verdict Verb, Law
to confirm a judgment Verb
to judge Verb
to pass judgment Verb
to make a ruling Verb
to sum up Verb
to render a decision Verb
to pass sentence Verb
to pass measure Verb
to give judgment Verb
to award a sentence Verb
to render a judgment Verb
to decree Verb, Central Government
to deem Verb
to adjudge Verb
to pass Verb
to render judgment Verb
to decide Verb
to pronounce a sentence Verb
to pass a decision Verb
to hand out a decision Verb, Law
to hand down a decision Verb, Law
to pronounce on a subject Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

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