
  1. mistake
  2. error
  3. fault
  4. black
  5. illusion
  6. slip
  7. stumble
  8. trip
  9. foul
  10. flaw
  11. defect
  12. inaccuracy
  13. bug
  14. fallacy
  15. hole
  16. delinquency
  17. wrongdoing
  18. untruth
  19. falsehood
  20. slip-up
  21. bobble
  22. demerit
  23. blemish
  24. wrongness
  25. clanger
  26. bloomer
  27. boob
  28. wryness
  29. clinker
  30. cock up
  31. craze
  32. untruthfulness
  33. balk
  34. incorrectness
  35. boner
  36. hamartia
  37. inexactitude inexactness
  38. crack
  39. lapsus
  40. erroneousness
medical malpractice Noun, Medicine
medical malpractice Noun, Medicine
medical malpractice Noun, Medicine
failure of justice
error in point of law
legal error
judicial error Noun, Law
miscarriage of justice Noun, Law
honest mistake
offence that cannot be pardoned
gross error
judicial murder
substantial error
glaring blunder
apparent defect
fundamental error
excusable mistake
honest mistake
error apparent of record
manifest error
chief mistake
compensating error
cumulative error Information Technology
gross mistake
vital error
capital fault
bad mistake
capital mistake
capital error
howling mistake
double fault Noun, Sports
balanced error
compensating error
amendable error
reversible error
fault attributable to
fundamental error
radical error
substantial error
fundamental mistake
fundamental error Noun, Civil Law
apparent error
slight mistake
error of law
error in law
mistake of law
error in point of law
error Noun, Law
mistake of law
intervention required check Information Technology
harmless error
harmful error
slip up
irrecoverable error Information Technology
material defect
error in fact
mistake in fact
error of fact
mistake of fact
honest mistake
probable error
common mistake
absolute error
serious mistake
operative mistake
trifling error
slight error
slight fault
political mistake
false error
popular error
common error
common mistake
popular error
biassed error
standard error
unilateral mistake
technical error
capital fault
basic fault
random error
medical malpractice Noun, Medicine
total error
slight fault
grievous mistake Noun
structural error
prejudicial error
error detecting code
memorandum in error
error control
vicious manuscript
error correcting code
error correction rule
error indicator
to err Verb
to make a mistake Verb
to be wrong Verb
to lapse Verb
error burst
error log
error log
error log Information Technology
by error
error Message Information Technology
to err is human
to make a mistake Verb
to commit an error Verb
to err Verb
error isolation
error log
source of error
error condition
error range Noun
error message
error rate
error margin Noun
margin of error Noun
margin of error Noun
to allow a margin for errors Verb
risk of error
error checking code
error signal
mistakenly Adverb
error diagnostics
error isolation
fallibility Noun
mistaken party
to commit a mistake Verb
to blunder Verb
to trip up Verb
to make a mistake Verb
to fudge Verb
sure footed
to back down Verb
rescission for mistake
error burst
to goof Verb
absent manifest error
to commit a fault Verb
vertical redundancy check Information Technology
to never to put a foot wrong Verb
to err on a point of law Verb
instruction diagnostic
What did I do wrong?
normal error curve
disquietingly high percentage of errors
to perpetrate an anachronism Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Aslına uygun ... yanlış, yanlışlık