
  1. Noun generation
  2. output
  3. yield
  4. crop
  5. business corporation
  6. Noun production
  7. marginal analysis
  8. manufacture
  9. manufacturing
  10. outturn
  11. facture
production of gold
gold production
line production
conveyer conveyor- belt production
peace time production
peacetime production
initial production
Seed processing for propagation (NACE code: A1.6.4) Noun, Trades-Professions
Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities (NACE code: A1) Noun, Trades-Professions
tube production
steel production
farm output
farm production
hosiery manufacture
interchangeable manufacturing
production of hardware
world production
production of current
generation of electricity
power generation Noun
electricity generation Noun
production of electricity
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (NACE code: D35) Noun, Trades-Professions
energy production
power production
factory production
newspaper production
last year's output
food production
clothing manufacture
output of crude steel
primary production
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households
for own use (NACE code: T)
Noun, Trades-Professions
Animal production (NACE code: A1.4) Noun, Trades-Professions
bargaining chip
grain production
paper manufacturing
truck production
truck manufacture
own production
output of coal
can production
mass production
machinery production
machine production
engine building
production of goods
seasonal production
corn production
assembly line production
assembly-line production
motor vehicle production
automobile production
car production
automobile output
automobile manufacturing
motorcar production
auto production
output of cars
batch production
petroleum production Noun
oil production
prototype production
industrial production
industrial manufactures
wartime production
conveyer conveyor line production
capital production
war production
armaments productions
weapons production
production of armaments
production for stock
moving-band production
agricultural production
vehicle production
television- set manufacture
television production
aircraft production
means of production Noun, Economics
long steel production
current production
socialized production
direct production
custom manufacturing Noun
toll manufacturing Noun
capitalistic production
prototype production
record production
continuous manufacturing
multiple production
domestic production
manufacturing analysis
means of production Noun, Economics
productivity increase
production increase
production cutback
producing unit
production unit
area of production
(US) area of production
manufacturing division
productive value
production breakdown
production cycle
production index
elasticity of production
manufacturing tag
manufacturing establishment Noun
surplus production
production financing
cost of manufacture Noun
production cost Noun
(making) production cost Noun
production difficulties Noun
productive power
productive energy
volume of production
scale of production
manufacturing volume
factory proceeds
manufacturing defect Noun, Trades-Professions
assembly line Noun, Trades-Professions
production aim
production restitution Noun
productive cooperation
productive work
licence license to manufacture
production permit
productive capacity
producing power
manufacturing capacity
producer power
production combination
output restriction
manufacturing complex
productive credit
production credit
manufacturing cost
prime cost
manufacturer's cost
actual cost
cost of production Noun
goods of the second order Noun
production goods Noun
factory space
productive apparatus
production centre center
amount of production
production model
superintendent engineer
manufacturer's number
fabricating parts Noun
production staff
production scheme
productive potential
production program me
manufacturing program me
production program (me)
industrial licence
manufacturing licence
producing industries Noun
production census
manufacturing secret
production system
production contract
production run
production proses
manufacturing process
cost flow concept
production period
production date
monopoly of production
productive technique
tight times Noun
place of production
manufacturing loss

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İhtiyaçlara yeterli ölçüde cevap vermek amacıyle ... verimini arttırma faâliyeti, istihsal