
  1. âşıkane/baygın bakış, ısrarlı/sırnaşık/dik dik bakış, göz süzme, göz hapsine alma.
  2. âşıkane bakmak, baygın baygın/göz süzerek bakmak.
  3. ısrarla/dik dik bakmak, göz hapsine almak, gözünü ayırmamak.
to justify a lunch as business expense Verb
to ask someone for lunch Verb
noon tide
noon time
noon day
noon rest
noon quotation
noon edition Noun
at noon Adverb
midday heat
lunch break
to be scheduled to arrive at noon Verb
invitation to lunch
luncheon voucher
to order something for lunch Verb
lunch- bucket Noun
lunch allowance
to lunch Verb
lunch allowance
to luncheon meeting Verb
to justify a lunch as business expense Verb
to have lunch on the train Verb
to have lunch on the train Verb
to board at a hotel Verb
table d'hâte lunch
free luncheon facilities
sloppy joe's

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