
  1. Noun (eski Yunanistanda) şehir-devlet.
  1. Noun, History polis
  2. beak
  3. blue man
  4. bull
  5. constable
  6. police constable
  7. cop
  8. copper
  9. flat foot
  10. fuzz
  11. the law
  12. long arm
  13. the minions of the law
  14. nab
  15. old bill
  16. peeler
  17. police
  18. policeman
  19. rookie
  20. shamus
  21. the police
metropolitan police
naval police
special branch
security police
air police
special constable
river policeman
riot police
waterside police
harbo u r guard
police of the port
water guard
(EC) common fisheries police
highway police
Police Special Operations Proper Name, Organizations
Law on the Duties and Powers of the Police Proper Name, Law
city police
border police
water bailiff
(Br) water bailiff
riot police
traffic control squad
traffic regulator
police officer controlling traffic
traffic cop
traffic constable
traffic police
traffic policeman
railway police
aliens'registration office
criminal police
military police
mounted police
mounted policeman
detective police
hush police
(Br) secret police
secret police
local police
speed cop
desk sergeant
private police
special police
plain- clothes man
civil police
a plain-clothes (police) man
detective police
hard hole
police detective
(US) political police
political police
harness cop
borough police
police justice
police cadets Noun
police alarm
cruise car Noun
police investigation
police morgue
police swoop
police unit
police troops Noun
police boat
police craft
(Fr.) spotteur
police baton Noun
police state
police picket
police patrol
surveillance files Noun
police escort
police work
police action
police task
police surveillance
police contingent
police action
police helicopter Noun, Transport
police chopper Noun, Transport
police service
police warning
notification of the police
police regulation
cop shop
police record
police pass
police detail
police control
police supervision
police control
police picket
cordon of police
hedge of police
police line
police protection
police power
police force
magistrate's court
police squad Noun
police services
bobby (konuşma dili)
police officer official
police official
police constable
police officer
old bill
peace officer
police agent
police business
police matter
police ordinance
police regulations
police motorcycle Noun, Transport
police intervention
chief of police
(Br) police inspector
police inspector
police beat
police squad
police detachment
crime reporter
police bodyguard
police custody
under police surveillance
licence license number
police regulations
police operation
police car
police authority
police radio Noun
police badge
deputy Noun
police war
police chief
chief of police
superintendent of police
police weapons Noun
police investigation
police questioning
police investigation
investigation by the police
police reinforcement
county constabulary
police organization
police detention
police trap
police powers
police administration
police document

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Kamu düzenini, ... kolluk, zâbıta