
  1. pillar
  2. post
  3. prop
  4. obelisk
  5. column
jet on fire
editorial column
gossip column
agony column
pillar of smoke
pillar of smokes
newspaper column
column inch
detail column
advertisement column
financial column
fashion syndicate letter
memorandum column
cash column
correspondence column
obituary column
personal column
column of figures
advertisement column
classified column
society column
debit column
double column
engaged column
judgment column Noun
last column
single column
adjoining column
(bookkeeping) auxiliary column
auxiliary column
at the head of the column
contents heading
columner (system of) book keeping
width of column
column width
columnar sheet
printer's gauge
column line
column length
column a height
column height
depth of column Advertising
to take up six columns Verb
double-column edition
printed in double columns
newspaper columnist
have you paid for the milk

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Câmi, saray, konak vb