
  1. Noun İslâm, Müslümanlık, İslâmiyet.
  2. Noun İslâm âlemi, Müslüman ülkeler ve milletler.
  3. Noun Müslümanlık.
İslamcılık Proper Name, Religion-Faith
İslamcı Adjective, Religion-Faith
İslamcı terör Proper Name, Politics-Intl. Relations
İslami terör Proper Name, Politics-Intl. Relations
Müslümanlaşma Proper Name, Religion-Faith
İslamofobik Adjective, Politics-Intl. Relations
radikal İslamcılık Noun, Religion-Faith
imana getirmek Verb
hidayete ermek Verb
İslam'ın beş şartı Noun
İslam ehli Noun, Religion-Faith
helal Adjective, Religion-Faith
helal Adjective, Religion-Faith
siyasal İslam Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
akaid-i İslamiyye Noun, Religion-Faith
Selefi İslam Proper Name, Religion-Faith
  1. Islam
  2. the Islamic religion
Islamist Adjective, Religion-Faith
pseudo-Islamic Adjective, Religion-Faith
radical Islamism Noun, Religion-Faith
political Islamist Adjective, Politics-Intl. Relations
islamic development bank (idb) Noun
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Proper Name, Place Names
Federal Islamic State of Anatolia Proper Name, Organizations
Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs Proper Name, Organizations
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) Proper Name, Politics-Intl. Relations
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Proper Name
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham Proper Name
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Proper Name
Islamic dogma Proper Name, Religion-Faith
Islamic raids Proper Name, History
the crescent
Islamic Republic Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
Islamic State (IS) Proper Name, Politics-Intl. Relations
Islamic Revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
people of Islam Noun, Religion-Faith
Islamic fiqh scholars Proper Name, Religion-Faith
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Proper Name, Organizations
Islamic Development Bank Noun
anti-Islam Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
Organization of the Islamic Conference Noun
Turkish Delegation to the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Noun, Organizations
Islamic ummah Proper Name, Religion-Faith
Islamic green Adjective
five pillars of Islam Noun
Office of Counsellor for Middle Eastern Islamic Countries Noun, Organizations
Salafi Islam Proper Name, Religion-Faith
political Islam Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Allah’ın Kur’an ... esasları Hz