
  1. Noun subscriber
  2. Noun member
subscription to a newspaper
gas (electricity , water) consumer
gas consumer
cable subscriber
telephone subscriber
answer back code
telephone subscriber
local subscriber
life subscription
complimentary subscription
annual subscription
subscriber research
subscribed circulation
to solicit subscriptions Verb
commuter fare
subscriber firm
subscription costs Noun
exercise of subscription rights
subscriber's line
opening for subscription
book canvasser
to enroll a subscriber Verb
to persecute with requests for subscriptions Verb
to enroll as subscriber Verb
subscription rental
subscription list
to close a submission list Verb
subscription letter
subscriber's number
subscriber number
subscription Noun
right to subscribe
terms of subscription Noun
to subscribe Verb
intending subscriber
to solicit subscriptions Verb
to stop one's subscription Verb
conditions of subscription Noun
subscribership Noun, Management
to swell the number of subscribers Verb
subscriber's insurance Noun
subscription order
contract for subscription
commutation rates
to offer for subscription Verb
subscriber's ticket
subscriber's telephone
to canvass subscribers Verb
canvasser of subscriptions
commutation fare
subscription fee
subscription rate
subscription charge
subscribtion fee
subscription Noun
subscription renewal
package price
subscription rate by surface mail
asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) Noun
subscriber to a periodical
to subscribe for a magazine Verb
to take in a magazine Verb
to buy a periodical by the number Verb
to canvass for a newspaper Verb
subscription to a paper
to subscribe for a publication Verb
to be regular customer of a place Verb
to take in a magazine Verb
to subscribe for a magazine Verb
to take out a subscription to a paper Verb
to subscribe to a newspaper Verb
to subscriber to a newspaper Verb
subscriptions to be paid in advance Noun
subscriber's set
subscriber insurance Noun
subscriber's rental
telephone subscription
to renew one's subscription Verb
annual subscription

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Parasını önceden ödeyerek bir şeye belli ... için devamlı müşteri olma