
  1. between
  2. amid
  3. midst
  4. in between
  5. betwixt
  6. in the midst of
  7. among
  8. amids
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-Operation Between Territorial Communities or Authorities Noun, International Law
before one can say jack robinson
in passing Adverb
between the lines
in partes
(Lat.) inter partes
among experts
to separate Verb
to number among Verb
to drive a wedge between Verb
to mediate between Verb
to be torn between ... and ... Verb
to range between 10 and 20 Verb
to range from 5 to 10 marks (prices) Verb
to choose between A and B Verb
distribution among the creditors
equality between creditors
netting transactions among the clients Noun
to apportion a sum among several people Verb
to partition an estate among the heirs Verb
to solve a problem between the departments concerned Verb
to spread among someone Verb
to spread among someone Verb
to count someone among one's best friends Verb
to be among sb's followers Verb
to match someone up with someone Verb
to bring someone into contact with sb Verb
to bring someone into close contact with sb Verb
to split something between someone Verb
to let drop something Verb
to let fall something Verb
to split something three ways Verb
to associate something with something Verb
to associate something with something Verb
to range between something and something Verb
to range from something to something Verb
to range between something and something Verb
to range from something to something Verb
to trade off something for something Verb
to trade off something against something Verb
to trade off something against something Verb
to trade off something for something Verb
to associate something with something Verb
transactions inter vivos Noun
to be sitting among the audience Verb
to rate among one's friends Verb
to rake about among old documents Verb
to connect ideas Verb
to keep calm amid the excitements Verb
faulty and erroneous reasons
to fall in one's duty Verb
there is no apparent link-up between the two cases
climate of opinions
to bridge the ideological rift Verb
straight fight Politics-Intl. Relations
between two fires
to hang on sb's lips Verb
to wobble between two opinions Verb
to vibrate between two opinions Verb
to harmonize to texts Verb
to relate two facts Verb
to keep two things distinct Verb
to strike a balance between something Verb
to strike a balance between something Verb
divergence between two results
to effect a settlement between two parties Verb
to act as an umpire between two parties Verb
to umpire between two parties Verb
to shuttle back and forth between two countries Verb
political friction between two countries
to forage among papers Verb
to forage among papers Verb
to allocate the pims among the employees Verb
to allocate the profit among the employees Verb
to tell someone something on the quiet Verb
self liquidation- taxable liquidation
to discriminate between persons Verb
mention something only in passing Verb
to divide one's property among one's heirs Verb
to divide one's property amongst one's heir Verb
to divide one's propertyamong one's heirs Verb
to divide one's property amongst one's heirs Verb
to allocate general expenses Verb
to apportion the costs to the sides Verb
to divide the costs between the parties Verb
to elect someone from among the members present Verb
shoulder pad shoulder period
joint venture between A and B
swing of the pendulum Politics-Intl. Relations
dissensions between rival groups in politics
interference with competitors
variance between reports
broad gauge
disposition inter vivos
to remark in passing Verb
incidental question
equitable arrangement between parties
deal between parties
to build a room in the attic Verb
intervals between starting times of trains
disproportion in age
to divide one's time between work and play Verb