
  1. Noun, Sociology revolution
  2. reform
  3. breakthrough
  4. Noun revolution
  5. turn of the dice
  6. inqilab
bourgeois revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
revolutionary Adjective, Sociology
revolutionism Noun, Sociology
linguistic revolution
the October Revolution Noun
law reform
Islamic Revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
cultural revolution
proletarian revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
radical revolutionary Adjective, Politics-Intl. Relations
fake revolutionism Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
industrial revolution
left wing revolt
left-wing revolt
Jasmine Revolution Proper Name, Politics-Intl. Relations
scientific revolution Noun, History
cognitive revolution Noun, History
sexual revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
revolution in thought
communist counter revolution
counter revolution
counter-revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
armed revolution Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
technological revaluation
green revolution Noun, Environment-Ecology
insurgent government
Revolutionary Guard Noun
game-changing Adjective
game changer Noun
design for a revolution
design for a revolution
revolution tax Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
revolutionary principles Noun
communist counter revolution
Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan Proper Name, Political Parties

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir devletin siyâsî, ekonomik ve sosyal ... yapılan köklü değişiklik, ihtilâl