
  1. voluntary
  2. Adverb deliberately
  3. Adverb readily
  4. Adverb happily
  5. Adverb freely
  6. Adverb consciously
  7. Adverb willingly
  8. Adverb voluntarily
  9. Adverb intentionally
knowingly and wilfully Adverb
knowingly and willingly Adverb
knowingly and willfully Adverb
voluntary discontinuance
(due to bankruptcy) voluntary assignment
to snap up Verb
to wind up voluntarily Verb
to wind up voluntarily Verb
voluntary statement
voluntary confession
voluntary contribution
voluntary insurance
anxious to (in resolutions)
to tack an appeal for money onto a speech Verb
to do something of one's own choice Verb
to pester someone with request of help Verb
to take one's leave Verb
to take one's leave Verb
knowingly and willingly assisting an armed terrorist organization without being its member Noun, Law