
  1. Noun, Economics cartel
  2. combine
  3. monopoly agreement
  4. keg for drinking water on a ship
compulsory listing
purchasing cartel
buying cartel Noun, Competition Law
steel cartel
depression cartel Noun, Competition Law
price cartel
price combination
price ring
price association
export cartel Noun, Competition Law
business cartel
crisis cartel Noun, Competition Law
(US) patent pool
patent pool
marketing cartel
petroleum cartel
combine buying
combine buying
sales cartel
combine of producers
production combination
left- wing cartel
left-wing cartel
international cartel Noun, Competition Law
foreign cartel
city federation
cartel price
cartel habits Noun
cartel arrangement
trading agreement
cartel agreement
cartel pact
cartel connections Noun
cartel bureaucracy
cartel bureau Noun
director general of fair trading
trust buster
cartel interests Noun
cartel behavior Noun, Competition Law
cartel activities Noun
cartel termination
cartel company
cartel price
right of combination
pool selling
statute of monopolies
cartel decree
cartel power
restrictive practice court
cartel court
restrictive practices court
cartel negotiations Noun
cartel regulations
cartel office
formation of cartels
restrictive trade practices Noun
cartel problems Noun
cartel matter
cartel agreement
restrictive practice agreement
cartel screening technics Noun, Competition Law
trading combine
cartelized product
cartel participant
member of a cartel
cartel ban
cartel practices Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Gemilerde kullanılan, ... suyu fıçısı
  2. Ticâret ve sanâyi alanlarında faâliyette bulunan ... iş birliğine dayanan birlik