Mutezile Proper Name, Religion-Faith
misleader Noun
are you being attended to ?
guilty or innocent
guilty or innocent
Don't you have …? Noun
Aren't there any …? Noun
Don't you have any …? Noun
Isn't there any …? Noun
I wonder whether it is true
Can you beat that? Sentence
Is there some problem?
How do you like it?
That's capital!
Is that all? Sentence
Is anyone there?
When did I ask you? Sentence, Idioms
Did I ask you? Sentence, Idioms
Nobody asked you! Sentence, Idioms
guilty or innocent
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Sentence
Number one or number two?
believer Noun, Religion-Faith
believers Noun, Religion-Faith
it's not worth wasting one's breath on

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. bk. muy