1. voluntary
  2. volunteer
  3. honorary
Pride of the World Özel Isim, Din ve İnanç
honorary term
honorary appointment
honorary member
honorary chairman
honorary president
honorary doctorate İsim, Eğitim
honorary degree
honorary function
unpaid position
honorary duties İsim
honorary freeman
freeman of a city
citizen of honour
honorary freeman
to be admitted as freeman of a city Fiil
honorary trustee
consular agent
consular agent
trading consul
honorary consul
consular agency
hono (u) rary position
voluntary staff
title by courtesy
title by courtesy
honorary degree
professor emeritus
honorary professor
to serve in an honorary capacity Fiil
unpaid agent
honourary title
honorary title
honorary title
honorary member
honorary membership

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir ücret karşılığı olmadan, sırf şeref ... üzere verilen , onursal