
  1. agenda
  2. calendar
  3. journal
  4. diary
  5. items of business
  6. memorandum sheet
  7. order of the day
  8. order paper
  9. topics of the topic genda
economic policy agenda
meeting agenda Noun
order of business
provisional agenda
hidden agenda Politics-Intl. Relations
hidden agenda Noun
social agenda
heavy agenda
conference handbook
off the agenda
to travel out of the record Verb
agenda committee
to speak on a point of order Verb
to formulate an agenda Verb
items on the agenda Noun
topics of the agenda Noun
item of (on) the agenda
to raise a point of order Verb
to speak on the agenda Verb
agenda sheet
agenda item Noun
draft agenda
(parliament) procedural motion
to formulate an agenda Verb
procedural motion
to raise a point of order Verb
to put a resolution record Verb
to rule a question out of order Verb
to raise a point of order Verb
to rule a question out of order Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Meclis ve kurul toplantılarında görüşülecek konular ... bunları gösteren liste, ruznâme