
  1. Noun, History mandate
  2. Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations mandate
  3. buffalo
  4. mandated territory
  5. water buffalo
Raising of other cattle and buffaloes (NACE code: A1.4.2) Noun, Trades-Professions
mandate government Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
mandated colony
mandatory power
mandate government
mandate government Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
to confer a mandate on a power Verb
to convey a mandate on a power Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Geviş getirenlerden, öküze benzeyen, fakat ondan ... su sığırı, câmus, camız
  2. I. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra, kendini yönetemeyeceğine ... birine verdiği vekillik, vesâyet