
  1. try
  2. test
  3. exercise
  4. testing
  5. Noun, Clothing-Fashion fitting
  6. rehearsal
  7. head
  8. tryout
  9. try on
  10. (tailor) fitting
  11. (print) proof
  12. (mar) bow
  13. proof sheet
  14. road test
  15. trail
  16. trying-out
  17. dry run
runthrough Theatre
dressing rehearsal Theatre
second (final) revise
first proof
dress rehearsal
full- dress rehearsal
press proof
dress rehearsal
proof impression
galley proof
proof edition
proof impression
proofroom Noun
to fit Verb
to test Verb
proof reading
reading of the copy
to read the proofs Verb
staging environment : Bir web sitesinin canlı yayına geçmeden hemen önce, son kontrol amacıyla yayınlandığı test ortamı. Noun, Software
to warm up Verb
to fit someone for something Verb
to fit someone with something Verb
to try on something Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir şeye son biçimini verebilmek, onu ... için önceden yapılan deneme