
  1. note
  2. Noun element
  3. Noun component
  4. integral
  5. staple
  6. factor
  7. item
  8. primary matter
elements Noun
element of uncertainty
data item
balancing element Noun
price element
amenity Noun
constituent element Noun
cost element
cost factor
combatant element Noun, Military
competitive element
location factor
element of crime Noun, Law
element of crime Noun, Law
objective elements of the offense Noun, Criminal Law
actus reus Noun, Law
corpus delicti
subjective elements of the offense Noun, Criminal Law
mens rea Noun, Law
foreign elements Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
foreign element Noun, Private International Law
fundamental term Noun, Law
basic component Noun
separatist element Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
contextual element Noun
dominant factor
driver of growth Noun, Economics
variable component
regulating factor
corner stone Noun
primary component
ethnic group Noun, Sociology
profit builder
substantive element Noun, Law
financial factor
fixed component Noun
civilian component
corresponding factor

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Birleşik bir cisim meydana getiren basit ... her biri, eleman, öğe