1. rid
  2. Fiil, Bilgi Teknolojileri to recover
  3. Fiil to clear
  4. Fiil to help
  5. Fiil to liberate
  6. Fiil to relieve
  7. Fiil to rescue
  8. Fiil to rid
  9. Fiil to spare
  10. Fiil to rescue from
  11. Fiil to save
  12. Fiil to redeem something pawned
  13. Fiil to recover one's losses in a game
  14. Fiil (price) to be enough to satisfy the seller
  15. Fiil to extricate
  16. Fiil to free
  17. Fiil to redeem
to save sb's life Fiil
to salvage Fiil
to emancipate Fiil
to make salvage of a shipwrecked cargo Fiil
to make salvage of shipwreck cargo Fiil
to rescue the crew of a sinking ship Fiil
to free a debtor of his debts Fiil
to free a property from mortgage Fiil
to free a property from a mortgage Fiil
to release from a guarantee Fiil
to clear an estate Fiil
to relieve of a risk Fiil
to rescue a drunkard Fiil
to clear away the debris from a town Fiil
to release from an oath Fiil
to disburden Fiil
to obtain a release from an obligation Fiil
to lift someone out of the rut Fiil
to take someone out of the gutter Fiil
to break someone of something Fiil
to release someone from an obligation Fiil
to relieve someone from a liability Fiil
to rid someone of an employee employe Fiil
to free someone from a liability Fiil
to relieve someone of sth Fiil
to free someone of a burden Fiil
to exonerate someone from an obligation Fiil
to free someone from sb's grasp Fiil
to free oneself from sb's grasp Fiil
to break someone of something Fiil
to deliver someone from something Fiil
to free someone from debts Fiil
to release someone from an obligation Fiil
to disabuse someone of silly prejudices Fiil
to get someone off Fiil
to rescue someone from captivity Fiil
to release someone from bondage Fiil
to deliver someone from captivity Fiil
to get someone out of a fix Fiil
to relieve someone of all responsibility Fiil
to relieve someone from all responsibility Fiil
to clear someone from blame Fiil
to get someone out of a hole Fiil
to free someone Fiil
to deliver someone from death Fiil
to snatch someone from the jaws of death Fiil
to put someone out of his misery Fiil
to exonerate someone from responsibility Fiil
to relieve someone from a liability Fiil
to acquit someone of a charge Fiil
to screen someone from suspicion Fiil
to acquit someone of a charge Fiil
to rescue someone from arrest Fiil
to rescue someone from the edge of the precipice Fiil
to lift someone of poverty Fiil
to rescue someone from poverty Fiil
to get something off the hook Fiil
to pull someone through Fiil
to get out someone out of a fix Fiil
to pull someone out of a hole Fiil
to help a lame dog over a stile Fiil
to come to sb's rescue Fiil
to rescue sb's name from oblivion Fiil
to save sb's life Fiil
to save sb's life Fiil
to save from drowning Fiil
to save one's neck Fiil
to save one's life Fiil
to save alive Fiil
to off the hook Fiil
to go scot free Fiil
to discharge from prosecution Fiil
to extricate Fiil
to elude Fiil
to recover shipwrecked goods Fiil
to redeem yourself Fiil
to save the situation Fiil
to rescue goods restrained Fiil
to salvage from the debris Fiil
to salvage Fiil
to ransom Fiil
to release from a guarantee Fiil
to save the appearances Fiil
to save the appearance Fiil
to keep us appearances Fiil
to disembarrass Fiil
to redeem Fiil, Din ve İnanç
to discharge an attachment Fiil
to disabuse Fiil
to build up one's existence Fiil
to save one's life Fiil
to rescue a bankrupt company Fiil
to unhook the pound from the dollar Fiil
to free from encumbrances Fiil
to redeem Fiil, Bankacılık
to save one's face Fiil
to unhook Fiil
to pick up a shipwrecked crew Fiil
to bail out Fiil
to ease oneself of a burden Fiil
to repay an obligation Fiil
to get away from one's environment Fiil
to escape by hairbreadth Fiil
to escape pursuit Fiil
to relieve a besieged town Fiil
to make salvage of goods Fiil
to make salvage of goods Fiil
to discharge the directors from responsibilities Fiil
to discharge a bankrupt Fiil
to rescue goods restrained Fiil
to save one's face Fiil
to save one's face Fiil
to escape with life and limb Fiil
to get off with a whole skin Fiil
to save one's skin Fiil
to escape by the skin of one's teeth Fiil
to have a hairbreadth escape Fiil
to have a narrow escape Fiil
to evade Fiil
to pull through Fiil
to get off Fiil
to escape Fiil
to extricate oneself Fiil
to save one's hide Fiil
to save one's hide Fiil
to recover a pledged article Fiil
to redeem a pawned watch Fiil
to redeem Fiil, Bankacılık
to take out of pawn Fiil
to redeem a pawn Fiil
to relieve of a risk Fiil
to retire bonds Fiil
to retire bonds Fiil
to succour Fiil
to absolve from liability Fiil
to rescue from oblivion Fiil
to rid the country of bandits Fiil
to stand at attention ; to save the appearances ; to save the situation . Fiil
to salvage Fiil
to relieve from taxes Fiil
to unburden one's conscience Fiil
to wriggle through Fiil
to get out from under Fiil
to manage to escape from Fiil
to snatch out of the fire Fiil
to release from an oath Fiil
to bring off the passengers and the crew Fiil
to release from obligations Fiil
to release from obligations Fiil
to keep up appearances Fiil
to preserve appearances Fiil
to run for one's life Fiil
to fight for life Fiil
for the sake of appearances

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Kurtulmasını sağlamak; bir canlıyı bir tehlikeden, ... olmaktan uzaklaştırmak, halâs etmek