1. yeniden girilen sınav
  2. Fiil bir sınava yeniden girmek
bütünleme sınavı İsim, Eğitim
Harun al-Rashid İsim, İsimler
Haroun al-Rashid İsim, İsimler
of age
who has reached the age of discretion
full age
sb who has come of age
woman of full age
on attaining full age
coming of age
majority İsim, Hukuk
age of maturity
legal age
age of capacity
lawful age
age of majority İsim, Hukuk
debt contracted during infancy
to come to years of discretion Fiil
to reach lawful age Fiil
to come again of age Fiil
to attain full age Fiil
to be of responsible responsible Fiil
pleading the baby act
plead infancy
plea of infancy
to plead the baby act Fiil
plea of the baby act
to be in one's nonage Fiil
under age
under statutory age
emancipation from the authority of one's parents
infant plaintiff
infant shareholder
underage worker
(US) underage worker
infant beneficiary
statutory rape İsim, Ceza Hukuku
person of full age and capacity
person of full age and capacity

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