
  1. Noun, Civil Law contract
  2. Noun agreement
  3. act
  4. covenant
  5. compact
contracting state Noun, Law
Convention on the Law Applicable to Agency Noun, International Law
conclusion of an insurance contract Noun
execution of an agreement Noun
execution of a contract Noun
marriage service
civil contract
contract of service
contract of employment Noun, Employment
employment contract Noun, Employment
freelance contract Law
annuity agreement
sales contract Law
bill of sale
execution of the agreement Noun
custodian agreement
simple contract
principal contract
real contract
independent contract
binding contract
void agreement
commutative contract
divisible contract
indivisible contract
penal bond
multilateral contract
enforceable contract
unenforceable contract
bare contract
nudum pactum Noun, Law
bilateral contract
bilateral contract
onerous contract
(law) contract made without consideration
contract for gain
infant's contract
personal contract
open-ended contract
transitive covenant
executory agreement
executed covenant
executory contract
executory convenant
executory covenant
executory agreement
hazardous contract
severable contract
independent contract
simulated contract
voidable contract
notarized agreement
agreement concluded before a notary public
(Br) sealed contract
authentic act
(US) speciality
consensual contract
aleatory contract
risky transaction
express contract
express agreement
conditional contract
conditional agreement
conditional agreement
conditional contract
disjunctive covenant
alternative contract
formal contract
formal contract
quasi- contract
quasi contract
parol contract
oral contract Law
parol agreement
agreement for insurance
parole contract
commutative contract
contract containing reciprocal promises
collateral contract
affirmative contract
affirmative covenant
unilateral contract
commercial contract
composition by assignment of the assets to the creditors
written agreement
implied agreement
implied contract Noun, Law
quasi contract Noun, Law
quasi contract
contractual interest
contract price
bound by contract
under contract
to be bound by indenture Verb
contractual monopoly
freedom of contract Noun, Law
contract time
contractual promise
parties contracting Noun
to misrepresentation due to negligence Verb
culpa in contrahendo
liberty of contract
preliminary contract
authority to contract
obligation to contract
to fulfil a contract Verb
to fulfill a contract Verb
to execute a deed Verb
(Lat.) locus contractus
place of contract
(Br) lex loci actus
(US) lex loci contractus
to invalidate a contract Verb
to execute a deed Verb
mistaken party
conventional interest
implied covenant
implied covenant
who holds a meeting
party to a contract
contracting party
who ties
contracting state
contracting governments Noun
contracting partner
party to a contract
contracting parties Noun
parties contracting Noun
the contracting parties Noun
mistaken party
high contracting parties Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir mesele ... her biri
  2. Bağlama, düğümleme; bağlanma, düğümlenme