
  1. print run
hereof Adverb, Law
body of documents Noun
hard copy Noun
enrolment Noun, Law
enrollment Noun, Law
enrolment Noun, Law
enrollment Noun, Law
to subscribe one's name to a document Verb
to endorse something on a document Verb
endorsement on a document
to endorse a document Verb
exact copy of a document Noun
caption of a document
putting forward of a document
to decide whether a document is admissible as evidence Verb
date of execution of a document Noun
to dispute the validity of a document Verb
to challenge the validity of a document Verb
to declare an act a nullity Verb
to tamper with a document Verb
to tamper with a document Verb
contents of document Noun
subscription to a document
subscriber to a document
to declare a paper signed by oneself Verb
body of an instrument
four corners of an instrument Noun
contents of a document Noun
contents of document Noun
to plead the falsity of a document Verb
certifying of a document Noun
precis of a set of documents Noun
upon receipt hereof Adverb, Law
during the term hereof Adverb, Law
transcript of a legal document Noun