
  1. Adverb suddenly
  2. sudden
  3. Adjective all of a sudden
  4. outright
  5. subito
out of the blue Adverb
in solido
all at once
all of a lump
in the lump
double feature program (me)
two feature program (me)
full-length movie
to interject Verb
to start up Verb
to click Verb
to bump something up Verb
to present itself Verb
to launch into something Verb
to launch into something Verb
to fall away Verb
to fall away Verb
to break into a run Verb
to present itself Verb
to strike out Verb
to come over nervous Verb
to come over shy Verb
to be taken ill Verb
to come into the big money Verb
to yank Verb
to hop the twing Verb
multiple-family dwelling
participating mortgage
contributory mortgage
multiple licencing licensing agreement
multiple licencing agreement
to hold a plurality of offices Verb
multiple interests
to hold a plurality of files Verb
multiple loading
multiple licensing
vote in several ballots
diverse citizenship
to turn on a sixpence Verb
to crash halt Verb
to plunk Verb
more than one ... Adjective
ambiguous Adjective
multiply Adverb
plural marriage
multiword Adjective, Linguistics
multiply Adverb
multiply Adverb
multiple orgasm Noun, Sexuality
multiple insurance
to pop off Verb
to espy Verb
to be an instant write off Verb
to surge Verb
to overtake Verb
to fly into Verb
to go off at a tangent Verb
to pipe up Verb
to fly into a rage Verb
to fly into a passion Verb
to plump out a remark Verb
to crop up Verb
to spring Verb
to swing sharply to the right Verb
to burst on the scene Verb
to burst on the scene Verb
to streak on the a Verb
to startle Verb
to be struck all of a heap Verb
to jump into the market Verb
to ejaculate Verb
to twitch Verb
to spring Verb
to yank out Verb
to go up with a jump Verb
to recover sharply Verb
to have come down with a run Verb
to plunge downward Verb
ubiquitous Adjective
to do something on a sudden impulse Verb
to strike out at someone Verb
to average one's income Verb
to have a sudden rise
to fight on two fronts Verb
to fight on the two fronts Verb
to serve two masters Verb
to occupy a dual capacity Verb
to leap in employment Verb
first flutter of an upturn
to conk Verb
slump in demand
to spring from obscurity Verb
to straddle a question Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

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