
  1. do
  2. wear
  3. have
  4. be
  5. Verb to ply
  6. Verb to cost roughly
  7. Verb to amount to
  8. Verb to be worth
  9. Verb to deprive of
  10. Verb (child's language) to soil or wet (with feces or urine
  11. Verb to add up to
  12. make
  13. Verb to amount
  14. Verb to amount to something
  15. Verb to do
  16. Verb, Arithmetics to make
  17. Verb to render
to bail on someone Verb
(data) destruction Noun, Law
(data) disposal Noun, Law
rubbing alcohol Noun, Medicine
surgical spirit Noun, Medicine
alcohol-based disinfectant Noun, Medicine
game-changing Adjective
game changer Noun
acceptance of a treaty Noun, International Law
acceptance of an action Noun, Law
request for referral of the judgment Noun, International Law
repeat a course Verb, Education-Training
disinfectant Noun, Personal Care-Hygiene
disinfectant solution Noun, Personal Care-Hygiene
disinfectant gel Noun, Personal Care-Hygiene
disinfectant solution Noun, Personal Care-Hygiene
Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief Noun, International Law
life-threatening Adjective, Medicine
life-threatening Adjective, Medicine
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Noun, International Law
delivery of a judgement Noun, Law
castrated Adjective
whistleblower Noun
abolition Noun, Law
annexed Adjective, Politics-Intl. Relations
asylum Noun, International Law
attempted suicide Noun
suicide attempt Noun
attempted suicide Noun
suicide attempt Noun
advisory opinion Noun, Law
reliable Adjective
opposition Noun
failure of consideration Noun, Contract Law
explanation Noun
receiving state Noun, International Law
admissibility Noun, Law
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Noun, International Law
Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women Noun, International Law
enforcement of a decision Noun, Law
self-determination Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
reimbursement Noun, Law
refugee Noun, International Law
offending Adjective
figure prominently Verb
complicity Noun, Criminal Law
attempt to commit a crime Noun, Criminal Law
admission of guilt Noun, Criminal Law
admission of guilt Noun, Criminal Law
Lose the attitude! Exclamation, Idioms
Drop the attitude! Exclamation, Idioms
amendment Noun, Law
inquiry Noun, Law
fortified Adjective, Military
insulting Adjective
eviction, release Noun, Civil Law
driving Adjective, Machines
driven Adjective, Machines
counterfeit Adjective, Civil Law
liquidation Noun, Civil Law
liquidator Noun, Civil Law
compensation Noun, International Law
takfiri Adjective, Religion-Faith
retraction Noun, Law
reparation Noun, Law
compensatory Adjective
agency Noun, Law
representative, agent Noun, International Law
decision of enforcement, enforcement decision Noun, International Law
deserted property Noun, Civil Law
cancellation Noun, Civil Law
inherited Noun
authentication Noun, Law
acting Adjective, Law
aid and abet Verb, Criminal Law
illegal migrant Noun, International Law
authorized representative Noun, Law
forced displacement Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
to hotfoot Verb
to accompany Verb
to show Verb
to shove off Verb
to set free Verb
to show Verb
to shell Verb
to squander Verb
to tyrannize Verb
to pinch Verb
to bring in Verb
to declutch Verb
to beware Verb
(duty) performing Verb
to consign Verb
to partner Verb
to discern Verb
to sense Verb
to assume or imagine something for the sake of argument Verb
to reckon Verb
to nullify Verb
to act cruelly Verb
to ravish Verb
to study Verb
to fancy Verb
to transmigrate Verb
to sponsor Verb
to hypnotize Verb
to womanize Verb
(draft term) to become due Verb
to carry out Verb
to superintend Verb
to betray a secret Verb
to caution Verb
to avow Verb
to be dissolved Verb
to develop Verb
to conclude Verb
to annihilate Verb
to revoke Verb, Law
to negotiate a draft Verb
to upgrade an area Verb
to hate Verb
to rest on Verb
to pay off Verb
to informs Verb
to hector Verb
to consent Verb
to show heroism Verb
to lead Verb
to put someone up (as a guest in one's home Verb
to kick against the prick Verb
to debate Verb
to counsel Verb
to loathe Verb
to disperse Verb
to hush something up Verb
to initial Verb
to make a noise Verb
to rival Verb
to attaint Verb
to disgrace Verb
to witness Verb
to assure Verb
to soak Verb
to confabulate Verb
to eat crow Verb
to vandalize Verb
to divide Verb
to sort Verb
(tax) to impose Verb
to limn Verb
to wind up Verb
to depict Verb
to trespass on sb's preserves Verb
to besiege Verb
to tease Verb
to examine Verb
to adjourn Verb
to continue Verb
to center upon Verb
to discern Verb
to invert Verb
to prearrange Verb
to hit Verb
to give countenance to Verb
to get involved in Verb
to back up something with documentary proof Verb
to work as a clerk (in a store Verb
to make a bequest Verb
to bequeath Verb
to say farewell to Verb
to make short work of sth Verb
to kick up a fuss Verb
to drop in Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Türkçe’de birçok kelimenin sonuna gelerek birleşik ... çeşitli deyimler yapan fiil
  2. Ekmek kelimesinin ... asıl şekli