
  1. use
  2. Noun employment
  3. exercise
  4. Noun consumption
  5. disposal
  6. handling
  7. Noun exploitation
  8. usage
  9. Noun disposition
  10. Noun deployment
  11. Noun utilization
  12. carnet
  13. using
  14. taxiing
  15. putting in use
  16. adhibition
loan for use Noun, Law
drug abuse Noun, Medicine
drug use Noun, Medicine
substance abuse Noun, Medicine
substance use Noun, Medicine
shoulder-fired Adjective, Military
drug abuse Noun, Medicine
drug use Noun, Medicine
substance abuse Noun, Medicine
substance use Noun, Medicine
drug abuse Noun, Medicine
drug use Noun, Medicine
substance abuse Noun, Medicine
substance use Noun, Medicine
drunken-driving Noun, Transport
drink-driving Noun, Transport
drinking and driving
drunk-driving Noun, Transport
rough usage
computer use
exercise of a right
exercise of a privilege
to make great use of a dictionary
cumulative voting Noun, Management
to ballot against sb
careless driving
exercise of sovereign rights
transient occupancy
to ballot
gross misconduct
professional misconduct
malfeasance in office
fraudulent breach of trust
breach of confidence Noun, Law
confidence trick
(Br) confidence trick
rough handling
breach of confidence Noun, Law
good use of language
good use
permissive use
assault and battery
voting by rising and sittng
wanton and furious driving
exercise of jurisdiction
adverse use
improper exploitation
credit use
ballot stuffing Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
ballot-box stuffing Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
undue influence (law)
(law) undue influence
option exercise
exercise of options
to take up an option
easement Noun, Law
use on a collective basis
use of a collective basis
car drive
fingering Music
mail ballot
postal ballot
personal use
exercise of an option to purchase
reckless driving Noun
telephone usage
full utilization of plant (capacity)
proxy voting
fuel usage
substitution Noun
exercise of power
stretch of authority
indignity to the person
using force Noun
(eco) value in use
to reserve the right to use sth Verb
(eco) velocity of circulation
operating manual
licence to use
licence license to use
mode of employment
mode of employmet
economic life
potable water
directions for use Noun
operating instructions Noun
owner's manual Noun
user manual Noun
user guide Noun
directions for use
directions for use
instructions for use
compensation for use
disposition Noun
furtum usus Noun, Law
compulsory usage
licence license to drive a car
participation plan
question of privilege
restricted suffrage
riparian rights
voting privilege
right to vote
voting right
with voting power
to be qualified to vote Verb
unqualified to vote
to forfeit one's voting rights Verb
freedom of election
voting ticket
voting rules Noun
voting machine
voting agreement
rejection of proxy Noun
voting age Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
coming of voting age
to come of voting age Verb
enjoyment of political rights
best-before date Noun
expiration date Information Technology
water right
voting procedure of proxy
certificate of occupancy Noun, Construction
strong arm methods Noun