
  1. Noun, Military retaliation
  2. reprisal
  3. come- back
  4. reprisals
military reprisals
massive retaliation
massive retaliation
saturation raid
retaliatory raid
retributive punishment
retaliatory action
reprisal action
retaliatory measures Noun
retaliatory forces Noun
retaliatory Adjective, Military
retaliatory Adjective, Military
by way of retaliation
measure of retaliation
punitive expedition
retaliatory measure
retaliatory tariff
to retaliate Verb
to give someone a dose of his own medicine Verb
to retaliate upon one's enemy Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Kötü ve zararlı bir davranışa aynı ... verme, aynını yaparak karşılama