
  1. Noun, Textile Industry cotton
  2. soft commodities
  3. commodity collateral loan
  4. commodity exchange
  5. tricot
  6. card
  7. cotton wool
  8. made of cotton
cotton candy Noun, Food-Kitchen
fairy floss Noun, Food-Kitchen
candy floss Noun, Food-Kitchen
touch-and-go Adjective, Idioms
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Proper Name, Language-Literature
fairy floss Noun, Food-Kitchen
candy floss Noun, Food-Kitchen
cotton candy Noun, Food-Kitchen
cotton wool
unginned cotton, seed cotton Noun, Agriculture
blue shark Noun, Zoology
cotton exchange
cotton belt
(US) cotton belt
cotton thread
hanging by a thread Adjective
to hang by a hair Verb
to hang by a single thread Verb
to hang by the eyelids Verb
to hang by a thread Verb
cotton velvet
cotton mill Noun
cotton goods Noun
cotton market
Snow White Proper Name, Language-Literature
cotton industry Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Ebegümecigillerden, koza durumundaki meyvesi üç dört ... veya odunsu tropikal bitki