
  1. on the market
turn in the market
stalwarts of the market Noun
expected trends of the market Noun
to find gaps in a market Verb
to find gaps in the market Verb
availability Noun
to be found on the market Verb
to get a bigger foot in the market Verb
to be free to fluctuate on the market Verb
weakness in the market
depression of the market
ups and downs of the market
indigestion in the market
to tap a market Verb
to peg the market Verb
glut in the market
obtainable on the market
to be at the market Verb
(house) cash market value
established products Noun
established products Noun
to edge into the market Verb
to sell on the street Verb
sale in the open market
to sell in the open market Verb
to dump goods on a foreign market Verb
medium size commercial size
(shares) to sell on the street Verb
securities quoted on the spot market Noun
quotation on a foreign market