
  1. Noun community (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları)
  2. Noun community
  3. company
  4. party
  5. Noun society
  6. Noun community
  7. meeting
  8. combination
  9. circle
  10. concentration
  11. republic
  12. mass
  13. colony
  14. bunch
  15. gathering
  16. host
  17. corps
  18. herd
  19. Noun nationality
  20. group
  21. ensemble
  22. flock
  23. throng
  24. aggregation
  25. monde
  26. constellation
  27. assemblage
  28. gang
  29. troop
  30. meet
  31. troupe
  32. ruck
  33. Noun collectivity
  34. caboodle
  35. the community
  36. league
  37. Noun association
  38. gemeinschaft (Alm.)
  39. cohort
  40. gagle
family group
body of creditors
buying group
atomic pool
european atomic energy community Noun, European Union
European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC-EURATOM)
European Economic Community (EEC
european economic community Noun, European Union
European Economic Community (EEC)
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
European Coal and Steel Community Noun, European Union
European Defence Community (EDC)
European Community (EC
European Community (EC)
european community
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-Operation Between Territorial Communities or Authorities Noun, International Law
group of buildings
literature of a subject
group of individual
Commonwealth of Independent States Proper Name
British Commonwealth
literary group
business trust
touring company
fit up company
associations for south-eastern asian nations
religious community Noun, Religion-Faith
british commonwealth of nations
interest group
body of teachers
common market community
drama group
élite society
multicorporate enterprise
farming community
company of players
trading community
touring party
brains trust
road show
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities Proper Name, Law
eagerly listening assembly
religious community
religious community
religious communuity
economic community
entrepreneurial group
rural community
learning community (Kaynak: CEDEFOP) Noun, Education-Training
model community
bargaining group
select party
investment community
Community instruments Noun
group interaction
community consciousness
community conscious
Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
to safeguard the interests of the Community
Community Support Framework (CSF)
communal marriage
Community formularies Noun
to live in a commune Verb
conducted tour
mass hysteria
community legal instruments Noun
Community law
Communities Law Noun, European Union
public speaking
Community initiative
Community rule
Community rules Noun
Community legislation
Acquis Communautaire
Community's own resources Noun
group picture
Community instructions Noun
to lead in prayer Verb, Religion-Faith
non interesting community indifference curve
intra community trade
Programme of Community aid to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Nitelikleri bakımından ... câmia, cemiyet