
  1. flight
  2. wing
  3. Noun, Air Traffic aviation
  4. flying
  5. fly
  6. volitation
low-level flight Noun, Aviation
training flight Noun, Aviation
no-fly zone Noun, International Law
no-fly zone Noun, Aviation
4 hours flying
connecting flight
low flying
low flight
instrument flying
instrument flight Noun, Aviation
rat race Aviation
nonstop flight
non-stop flight
fly nonstop
direct flight Noun, Tourism
formation flying
contact flight
maiden trip (voyage) Aviation
blind flying
blind flight
normal flight
flight wedge
advanced booking flight
headlong flight
flight of demand
smooth flight
free flight
nonscheduled flight
scheduled flight Noun, Tourism
charter flight Noun, Aviation
(for the first time) solo flight
inverted flight
commercial flight
gratuitous flight
thrift flight
long distance flight
flying weight
flying trick
flying feat
terminal area
flying field
flying instruments Noun
trunk airline
flying helmet
certificate of airworthiness
flight ticket
flying unit
flight book
flight test
flight trial
flight experience
flying experience
flight discipline
flying condition
flight attitude
flying attitude
flying formation
flying order
flight order
flight formation
flying training
flight crew
flight manual
flying order
flight order
engaged in aviation Insurance
flying activity
flying suit
flight mission
flying duty
flight attendant Noun, Air Traffic
cabin attendant Noun, Air Traffic
steward (male) Noun, Air Traffic
stewardess (female) Noun, Air Traffic
air-host (male) Noun, Air Traffic
air-hostess (female) Noun, Air Traffic
flying demonstration
flight surveyance
flying surveillance
flying goggles
airline security
flight safety Noun, Transport
flying safety
flying deck
flying- off deck
flight information centre
flight condition
route map Noun
pilot chart Noun
flight line
flying weather Noun
flight nurse Noun, Employment
flight dispatcher
flight manager
flight notification
flight cancellation
flight station
flight statistics
flight information
flight captain
flying log
flight recorder
flight accident
flying accident
flight commander
in flight convenience
air controls Noun
airport control tower
flight control personnel
flying control officer
flying check
flying control
flight strip
fear of flying Noun
flight control Noun
flying rule
flight leader
flight engineer
flight mechanic
flight mechanics
clearance Noun
flying qualities Noun
flight number Aviation Industry
flight pay
flying pay
flight instructor
flying instructor
flying school
flight properties Noun
flight characteristics Noun
flying performance
flight performance
flying-off platform
flying personnel
flight track
airline table
flight plan
flight schedule
flight radio operator
to book a flight Verb
flying wind
flight strip
air lane
flight level Noun, Aviation
flight navigator
flight frequency
flight simulator Noun
flying- officer
time of a flight
flying time
flight forecast
flying instruction
flight instructions
flying schedule
flight date
flight ration
flying allowance
flight artefact
flying equipment
flying risk
flight test Noun, Aviation
flying meeting
flight bag Noun
flying contest
flying competition
flight interdiction
terminal aerodrome
flight authorization
air route
flight path
flight elevation
flying altitude
flight altitude
flight load
flight time
flight stress
flying hour
to have been grounded Verb
to hedgehop Verb, Aviation
instrument flight rules Noun
instrument flight plan
air traffic clearance Noun
to fly by the seat of one's pants Verb
to fly blind Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Uçmak işi ve tarzı