1. İsim reputation
  2. honour
  3. crown
  4. glory
  5. kudos
  6. good repute
  7. kudas
  8. lustre luster
  9. honor
  10. luster
  11. gloriousness
sense of honour
to your health
seat of honour
complimentary seat
congressional medal İsim
point of honour
affair of honour
top table
honors İsim
order İsim
to plight Fiil
lap of honour
for hono u r's sake
to honour Fiil
ethics code
days of glory İsim
to make it a point of hono u r to do sth Fiil
to request the pleasure of sb's company Fiil
to win laurels Fiil
to hunt after glory Fiil
to follow the path of glory Fiil
glorious Sıfat

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir kimseye gösterilen saygının dayandığı mânevî ... mânevî ululuk, onur, haysiyet

Boş yere harcama, israf