1. crowd
  2. wipe
  3. parade
  4. procession
  5. legion
  6. sport
  7. mock
  8. ho
  9. sneer
  10. taunt
  11. mockery
  12. sarcasm
  13. josh
  14. ridicule
  15. pageant
  16. derision
  17. troop
  18. jeer
  19. tease
  20. teasing
  21. dryness
  22. gird
  23. gibe
  24. scoff
  25. jest
  26. İsim travesty
  27. wryness
  28. jape
  29. fun
  30. send up
  31. (mil) regiment
  32. sardonicism
light cavalry regiment İsim, Askerlik
Hamidiye Regiments Özel Isim, Tarih
bitter irony
tinge of irony
tactical regiment İsim, Askerlik
in troops
in large crowds
no jesting matter
regimental order
take the piss
to twit Fiil
to quiz Fiil
to make fun of Fiil
to gibe Fiil
to guy Fiil
to sport Fiil
to roast Fiil
to ridicule Fiil
to taunt Fiil
to hold in derision Fiil
to rib Fiil
to scoff Fiil
to josh Fiil
to kid Fiil
to jest Fiil
to deride Fiil
to lay off Fiil
to make fun of Fiil
to seem incredible Fiil
field officer
lauching stock
to become an object of derision Fiil
to be a laughing stock Fiil
to form into line Fiil
regimental court
to regiment Fiil
to laugh at sth Fiil
to bring someone into derision Fiil
to deride sb's efforts Fiil
to send someone on a fool's errand Fiil
to send up someone Fiil
to poke fun at sb Fiil
to travesty of sb's style Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir merâsimde, ... kalabalık, kortej
  2. Hafife alarak ... küçümseme, istihzâ
  3. Alay kelimesinin ... kullanılan şekli