1. Sıfat public
  2. open
  3. declared
  4. professed
  5. to the view
publicity İsim, Hukuk
an open affair
to hold a public inquiry Fiil
public trial
public hearing
overt act
tender offer İsim, Bankacılık
smearing campaign
public infringement
notorious possession
to set before the public Fiil
hard-core restriction İsim, Rekabet Hukuku
public trial
publicly Zarf
tender offer İsim, Bankacılık
offhand sale
private treaty
by private contract
over- the-counter
auction sale
to sell by private treaty Fiil
to sell offhand Fiil
to sell by private treaty Fiil
loud offence
publicly Zarf
tried in open court
express ratification
receiving order

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Herkesin içinde ... meydanda, açık