Burada Fransızca konuşulur.
intra community trade
domestic İsim
household İsim
inside back cover
intra european trade
palm İsim, Anatomi
(place) narrow
very small
on-balance-sheet Sıfat, Muhasebe
interior dimensions İsim
interior drainage
interior of a building
continental interior
to take an instant liking to someone Fiil
intra-regional trade
in plant
in plant system
in-plant system
apple of my eye İsim
intravenous Sıfat
intra-state Sıfat, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
intralingual Sıfat, Dilbilim
stuffing İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
shop premises
shop premises
domestic trouble
interstate transport
intrastate trade
in- plant
intraday İsim, Sermaye Piyasaları
intraday indicative value İsim, Bankacılık
same-day delivery İsim, Lojistik
weekdays İsim
on-the-job training İşletme
to delay intra-group payments Fiil
not to feel like eating sth
spurious Sıfat
to feel nauseated Fiil
to get suspicious Fiil
feel nauseated Fiil, Tıp
be nauseated Fiil, Tıp
feel nauseous Fiil, Tıp
be nauseous Fiil, Tıp
to desire sth Fiil
free of hypocrisy
to wear your heart on your sleeve Fiil
full of matter
to feel hungry Fiil
to desire strongly Fiil
to be very anxious to have Fiil
to have diarrhea Fiil
see through
to have the heart Fiil
to find the heart to do Fiil
to not to find it in one's heart Fiil
to take a shine to Fiil
to be restless and anxious Fiil
to eat one's heart out Fiil
to worry Fiil
to fur Fiil
to feel bored Fiil
to in the doldrums Fiil
without the slightest compunction
administrative audit
exchange broker
intra-company İsim, İşletme
internal İsim, İşletme
in-house İsim, İşletme
internal promotion İsim, İnsan Kaynakları
in-store competition İsim, Rekabet Hukuku
domestic valuation
inland marine insurance İsim
resident account
home economics
domestic issue
domestic price
domestic requirements İsim
domestic mission
inland customs office İsim
inland air traffic
inland account
domestic shares İsim
home service
home requirements İsim
national jurisdiction
inland loan
(Br) home use
inland letter
home correspondent
inland transport (ation
transportation land costs İsim
inland payments İsim
inland parcel İsim
inland money order
domestic money order
domestic quarrels İsim
domestic mail
(Br) inland mail
overland mail
domestic money order
inland rate of postage
inland selling price
home sales manager
home sales İsim
domestic sales İsim
country shipper
country shipper
order from within the country
intestinal disorders İsim
domestic subsidiary
domestic exchange
curb domestic demand Fiil
internal demand
home demand
inland rate
inland transport (ation
inland transportation insurance İsim
inland-transport system
domestic telegram
domestic factor
inland communication
inland rules of the road İsim
domestic consumption
vocational retraining
interoffice communication
forest lane
inside front cover
interparliamentary committee
interpaliamentary committee
party quarrels İsim
to be bursting with joy Fiil
endogenous variable İsim, Matematik
intrasystem communication Bilgi Teknolojileri
metropolitan area İsim, Şehir Planlama
downtown İsim, Şehir Planlama
city center İsim, Şehir Planlama
inner city İsim, Şehir Planlama
inner-city İsim, Şehir Planlama
local mail
intracompany İsim, İşletme
intra-company İsim, İşletme
intercompany item
intercorporate relations İsim
intercompany loan
internal cash
internal cash
interoffice mail
domestic Sıfat
domestic judgment İsim
transportation land costs İsim
inland transportation insurance İsim
inland-transport system
domestic consumption
interior of a country İsim
interior country
indoor Bilgi Teknolojileri
domestic prices İsim
internal charges İsim
interior air route
internal air route
service at home
inland postage
domestic trade
internal navigation İsim
internal navigation
domestic investment

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. bk. –ıcı

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