1. cure
  2. regimen
  3. rest cure
  4. régime
slimming cure
maximum price
level of prices
limited price
cash quotation
turn of the market
over-valued exchange rate
adjustable peg
adjustable peg system
adjusted rate
low mil e age- car
maximum rate
bank rate policy İsim
expected exchange rate İsim, Ekonomi
to pay one's addresses to a lady Fiil
to fix a rate Fiil
to pay one's address to sb Fiil
market quotation
list of (market) quotations İsim
today's rate
current- rate
current exchange rate
current rate
at the current exchange of
cross rate
cross exchange rate
indirect parity
multiple rate system
fluctuating quotation
fluctuation market rate
floating exchange rate İsim, Ekonomi
variable exchange
flexible rate
flexible exchange rate İsim, Ekonomi
level- pegging
fall in the rate of exchange
falling rate
low rate
direct exchange rate
effective rate
actual quotation
minimum rate
de facto exchange rate
effective rate
current rate
ruling rate
forward rate İsim, Bankacılık
real exchange
lump rate
today's rate
day rate
daily exchange rate
current rate
day's rate
daily rate
current quotation
daily quotations
at current market
multiple exchange rate system
sliding peg system
demand exchange rate
demand rate
sight exchange rate
short rate
short exchange rate
managed float regime İsim, Bankacılık
course of studies
rate of exchange
mil e age charge
expected exchange rate İsim, Ekonomi
exchange advice
parity table
currency peg İsim, Bankacılık
change in rates
exchange without variation
to gain on the exchange Fiil
translation gain İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency gain İsim, Muhasebe
gain on foreign currency transaction İsim, Muhasebe
translation loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency translation loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign transaction loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency transaction loss İsim, Muhasebe
loss on foreign currency transaction İsim, Muhasebe
foreign exchange loss İsim, Muhasebe
exchange rate disparity
quotation of specie
market price list
exchange rate guarantee
rate guarantee
foreign currency transaction gain İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency translation gain İsim, Muhasebe
foreign exchange gain İsim, Muhasebe
gain on foreign currency transaction İsim, Muhasebe
foreign transaction gain İsim, Muhasebe
loss on foreign currency transaction İsim, Muhasebe
foreign transaction loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency translation loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign exchange loss İsim, Muhasebe
foreign currency transaction loss İsim, Muhasebe
currency movement İsim, Bankacılık
exchange board İsim
price-earning ratio
loss on exchange
exchange loss
profit on exchange
jobber's turn
exchange gain İsim, Muhasebe
price earning multiple
currency crisis İsim, Ekonomi
exchange list
rate margin
ratio of exchange
parity of exchange
foreign exchange policy İsim
price risk
venture of exchange
currency risk İsim, Bankacılık
exchange-rate risk İsim, Bankacılık
exchange risk İsim, Bankacılık
rate fixing
rate method
forward s cover İsim
speculation on price
foreign-exchange shock İsim, Ekonomi
FX shock İsim, Ekonomi
currency shock İsim, Ekonomi
exchange guaranty
trading on rates
exchange rate practices İsim
at the exchange of
to court Fiil
to get off with sb Fiil
to flirt with Fiil
exchange loss İsim, Muhasebe
Qur'an Özel Isim, Din ve İnanç
Quran Özel Isim, Din ve İnanç
Koran Özel Isim, Din ve İnanç
the Holy Qoran
cash rate
average rate of exchange
average rate of exchange
fluctuating rate
fluctuating rate
parallel rate of exchange
parallel exchange rate
cash quotation
(US) market ratio
market ratio
official rate
official quotation
unofficial exchange rate
established rate
fixed rate
fixed exchange rate regime
fixed exchange rate system
nominal quotation
free rate
floating rates of exchange
foreign exchange rates
unlimited price
latest quotation
currently adjusted rate
sliding peg system
(stock exchange) at present prices
exaggerated quotation
floor exchange rate
clearing rate
favourable exchange
favorable exchange
long exchange rate
settlement price
forward s exchange rate
forward exchange rate
(US) futures price
to court investments Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Hastalığın çeşidine ... yaşama metodu
  2. bk. –kır–

bk. –kır–
Bir kadının ... kazanmaya çalışma
Yabancı paraların ... olan değeri