1. İsim, Anatomi canal
  2. gain
  3. channel
  4. pipe
  5. chase
  6. slide
  7. apron
  8. runway
  9. pan
  10. gutter
  11. trough
  12. kennel
  13. chute
  14. hopper
  15. spout
  16. cleft
  17. tunnel
  18. hollow
  19. groove
  20. flame
  21. gorge
  22. undulation
  23. furrow
  24. scotia
  25. gargoyle
  26. sluice
  27. rut
  28. duct
  29. flume
  30. vein
  31. fluting
  32. conduit
  33. corrugation
  34. hop
  35. race
  36. launder
  37. chamfer
  38. raceway
  39. drain pipe
  40. gully
  41. gangway
  42. spline
  43. serrate
  44. runnel
  45. flute
  46. check
  47. eaves trough
  48. sluiceway
  49. cannelure
  50. coulisse
  51. hollow groove
  52. nervure
  53. apron plate
  54. stria
  55. rabbet
  56. guide
garbage chute
conveyer channel
conveyer channel
conveyor channel
rainspout İsim, İnşaat
to groove Fiil
to chamfer Fiil
in stream
trough valley İsim, Coğrafya
glacial trough İsim, Coğrafya

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir şeyin ... açık boru

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