
  1. Noun, Law trustee
  2. Noun, Law trustee in bankruptcy
  3. Noun, Law administrator
  4. receiver
  5. curator
  6. verger
  7. holder on trust
  8. lay clerk
  9. caretaker of a mosque
curator bonis
honorary trustee
curator ad hoc
judicial custodian Noun, Law
joint trustee
trust territory
corporation acting as trustee
order discharging a trustee
custody held for trustee
factor's lien
capacity to act as trustee
liability of a trustee
to application a trustee Verb
to make application for receivership Verb
term of a trustee
appointment of a trustee
remuneration of trustee Noun
to hold property as a trustee Verb
to hold property as a trustee Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Kendi zâtı ile kāim olan, varlığında ... anlamında esmâ-i hüsnâdan dır
  2. bk. kayyim