
  1. Adjective namby-pamby
  2. Adjective vulnerable
  3. poor
  4. cold
  5. lean
  6. delicate
  7. crazy
  8. spare
  9. slim
  10. fragile
  11. small
  12. thin
  13. shaky
  14. meagre
  15. faint
  16. invalid
  17. flimsy
  18. lame
  19. deficient
  20. watery
  21. dim
  22. waugh
  23. Adjective tenuous
  24. lax
  25. dainty
  26. languid
  27. puny
  28. infirm
  29. insubstantial
  30. run-down
  31. threadbare
  32. emaciated
  33. rickety
  34. sleazy
  35. peaked
  36. scrawny
  37. creaky
  38. emasculate
  39. flaccid
  40. underweight
  41. peaky
  42. wonky
  43. bumbling
  44. threadbare arguments
  45. nerveless
  46. Lenten
  47. dicky
  48. doddering
  49. epicene
  50. bandbox
  51. puerile
  52. meager
  53. pindling
  54. frail
  55. weak
  56. slight
  57. pimping
  58. fatless
  59. gone
  60. feeble
  61. floppy
  62. slender
  63. helpless
  64. not strong
  65. inferior in quality
  66. soft
  67. shilpit
  68. scrannel
  69. doddered
  70. hyposthenic
  71. impuissant
  72. leptosomatic
muscle weakness Noun, Medicine
physical unfitness
tenuous Adjective
weak as water
having a weak memory
financially weak
monetarily weak
minute current
to fail Verb
defective memory
misguided moment
faintly Adverb
weak usm
frail support
debility Noun
to get thin Verb
to give out Verb
to waste away Verb
to get scrawny Verb
to languish Verb
to get weak Verb
to weaken Verb
poor memory
elusive memory
weak link Noun
feint lobs
threadbare arguments Noun
shaky arguments Noun
bare naked rare possibility
frail and thin
tender point
weak point
sore point
tender spot
vulnerability Noun
to touch the spot Verb
to hit a blot Verb
soft currency
weak currency
weak currency country
sagging market
weak market
weak competition
off chance
slack demand
weak flicker of hope
to fail Verb
weak side
frailty Noun
...'s Achilles' heel Noun
to have a weakness for sth Verb
to catch someone on the hip Verb
to be at sb's most vulnerable Verb
to touch sb's tender spot Verb
to touch a sensitive nerve in sb Verb
to find sb's weak spot Verb
to find sb's vulnerable spot Verb
to pick a hole in sb's coat jacket Verb
to rest a case on slender evidence Verb
human foibles Noun
human foibles Noun
to have a light character Verb
to put one's finger on sb's weak spot Verb
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Management

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

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