1. death
  2. rest
  3. departure
  4. fate
  5. ending
  6. passing
  7. dissolution
  8. demise
  9. doom
  10. capital
  11. İsim fatality
  12. nothingness
  13. deadness
  14. decease
  15. dying
  16. curtains
  17. last sleep
  18. passing away
  19. terminus vitae
  20. way of death
language death
fatal injury İsim, Tıp
disposition mortis causa İsim, Medeni Hukuk
fatal injury İsim, Tıp
criminally negligent homicide İsim, Ceza Hukuku
case-fatality rate (CFR) İsim, Tıp
instantaneous death
sudden death
simultaneous death
(ins) expected death
expected death Sigorta
violent death
natural death
natural death
actual death Sigorta
cancer death İsim, Tıp
death by accident
accidental death
clinical death
civil death
civil death İsim
violent death
natural death
apparent death
untimely death
at the point of death
at the time of death
to be at the point of death Fiil
certificate of death
death penalty
extreme penalty of law
punishment of death
dead penalty
(US) death penalty
supreme penalty
capital sentence
extreme penalty of the law
capital punishment
death sentence
ultimate penalty
death penalty İsim, Hukuk
capital Sıfat, Hukuk
execution İsim, Hukuk
passing bell
death bell
deathblow İsim
crash diet Gıda ve Mutfak
(Lat.) in extremis
dying declaration
deathbed bequest
death bed declaration
death drive İsim, Psikanaliz
day of death
announcement of death
whole life insurance İsim
in the event of death
in case of death
transfer on death
payment due on death
straight life insurance
death rate İsim, Çevre ve Ekoloji
death cell
death sentence
to lie under a sentence of death Fiil
to impose the death sentence Fiil
death announcement
announcement of death
obituary notice
death notice
proof of death
death certificate
certificate of death
mortality statistics
funeral leave İsim, Hukuk
bereavement leave İsim, Hukuk
death certificate
coroner's death certificate
do or die
a matter of life and death
life and death matter
to be a matter of life and death Fiil
to be a matter of life and death Fiil
sentence of death
to pronounce a sentence of death Fiil
presumptive death
presumption of death
mortality quotient
mortality control
mortality control
blue funk
mortal fear
fear of death İsim
moral fear
homicide squad İsim
funeral march
dead march
causa mortis
cause of death
death chamber İsim
lethal chamber İsim
death rate
rate of mortality
mortality rate
fatality rate
mortality İsim, Tıp
death rate İsim
select table
experience tables İsim
survivor life curve
decline in mortality
mortality reduction
death fast İsim, Hak ve Özgürlükler
death fast İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
risk of death
risk of death İsim
in the hour of death
moral hour
mortal hour
fatal hour
hour of death
in the hour of death
murderous Sıfat
death pangs İsim
burial fend
to state the cause of death Fiil
deathly silence
deathly stillness
burial insurance İsim
deadly weapon
posthumous Sıfat
date of death
death threat İsim
mortality risk
danger of life
danger to life
risk of death İsim
death registration
death trap
transmission on death
register of births , deaths and marriages
in the event of death
in the event of death
funeral benefit
death benefit
funeral grant
payment due on death
death grant
death place
death journey İsim
maternal mortality
to pass sentence of death to sb Fiil
to ring the knell of sb Fiil
capital offence
capital crime
vital statistics İsim
low mortality
births marriages and deaths İsim
crude death rate
old- line life insurance
merchant of death İsim
devolution upon death (of inheritance ,)
memento mori
matter of life and death
high mortality rate

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir canlıda hayâtî fonksiyonların tam ve ... durumu, mevt, irtihal, vefat