1. power
  2. agency
  3. Ministry
  4. succession
  5. mandate
  6. agency agreement (contract)
  7. agency agreement
  8. procuration
  9. counsel's fee
  10. deed of trust
  11. deputyship
  12. proxy
  13. procuratory
  14. warrant of attorney
  15. power of attorney
actual authority
implied procuration
(government official) to be temporarily removed from his position Fiil
to act as sb's proxy Fiil
to substitute Fiil
to stand proxy Fiil
to represent sb Fiil
vote by proxy
fee paid to one's lawyer
general retainer
retaining fee
to split the fee Fiil
principal İsim, Hukuk
to authorized party
delegation İsim
to give someone the power to act in one's stead to appoint someone with power of prox Fiil
to confer procuration Fiil
proxy power
solicitor's costs
solicitor's bill
to stand proxy for sb Fiil
to act as a substitute for sb Fiil
to stand bail for sb Fiil
to give someone power of attorney Fiil
(Br) holiday replacement
to substitute for sb Fiil
general retainer
acting minister
holiday replacement
general proxy İsim, Hukuk
general authority
ministry İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
representation İsim
proxy İsim, Hukuk
representation İsim
proxy war İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
proxy war İsim, Askerlik
agency contract İsim, Medeni Hukuk
retainer İsim, Hukuk
attorney's fee İsim, Hukuk

Vekil olma, vekillik