
  1. decreasing
  2. Information Technology descending
  3. diminishing
  4. degressive
  5. ablative
  6. remissive
  7. decrescent
  8. diminutional
dwindling assets Noun
degressive depreciation
decreasing depreciation
declining balance depreciation
declining balance method of depreciation
diminishing value
dismissing value method
dwindling dollar resources
diminishing utility
diminishing receipts
diminished receipts
diminishing returns
decreasing returns
diminishing proceeds
diminished proceeds
decreasing return
declining ecgds
declining export
reduced employment
shrivelling pims
shrivelling profit
diminution of profits
reduced liquidity
decreasing costs
diminishing marginal utility
on a descending scale Public Finance
degressive tax
digressive tax
regressive tax Noun, Economics
degressive taxation
regressive tax
impaired capital
shrinking capital
descending order Information Technology
reduced demand
decreased consumption
reducing balance method
dwindling production
contracting production
decreasing returns
diminishing returns
law of diminishing returns
law of diminishing return
law of diminishing returns
law of diminishing returns
the law of diminishing returns
diminishing productivity
law of diminishing utility
diminishing food supplies Noun
deserted town
decreasing returns to scale Noun, Competition Law
goods in short supply