
  1. compulsory
  2. forced
  3. coercive
  4. forcible
Boolean algebra Information Technology
compulsory sale by auction
compulsory sale of auction
real estate foreclosure
forced labor
involuntary servitude
compulsory performance
poinding of the ground
compulsory execution Noun, Law
judgment lien Noun, Law
forced loan
act of violence
violent death
compulsory arbitration
forced saving
compulsory realization
compulsory liquidation
wind up compulsory
compulsory wind up
adjudicated liquidation
compulsory winding up
compulsory winding up order
violent measures Noun
coercive measures Noun
close arrest
(in case of bankruptcy) involuntary assignment
coercive methods Noun
forced march
involuntary assignment
judicial mortgage
to give a prisoner a third degree Verb
to put a prisoner through the third degree Verb
wrongful levy
forced sale by order of the court
mortgage foreclosure suit Noun
mortgage foreclosure
forced sale by order of the court
general execution

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Zor altında yaptırılan
  2. Cebriye mezhebine ... ile ilgili