
  1. Noun, Language-Literature essay
  2. go
  3. try
  4. Noun test
  5. trial
  6. attempt
  7. experience
  8. Noun experiment
  9. experimental
  10. testing
  11. fling
  12. rehearsal
  13. Noun probation
  14. tentative
  15. assay
  16. Noun experimentation
  17. shy
  18. quiz
  19. trying
  20. whirl
  21. whack
  22. Noun proof
  23. Noun proving
  24. tentation
  25. tryout
  26. test drive
  27. crack
  28. cut-and-try
  29. being tested
  30. assaying
  31. trying-out
  32. dry run
acid test
trial separation Noun
proof impression
testing of a product
assembly testing
assembly testing
attempted coup Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
endurance test
endurance test
trial and error Noun
audit test
critical essay
reliability trial
reliability trial
speed test
on the first try Adverb
heat run-test
acceptance test
acceptance test blackout trial
trial blackout
trial of strength
material testing
material testing
auto trial
sales area test
sales test
flight test
flight trial
trial membership
road test
load test
proof drive
trial and error
trial end error
air test
pilot experiment
routine testing
dress rehearsal
testing area
proving ground
experimental stage
in a tentative stage
at the experimental stage
on a pilot scale
experimental farm
experiment farm
test rod
test action Noun
trial lesson
testing circuit
experimental design
test solution
trial marriage
experimental film
trial drive
experimental expense Noun
experimental group
test track
testing service
test run
experiment station
experimental station
by way of experiment
as an experiment
trial subscription
to place a trial order Verb
test paper
test campaign Noun
testing facilities Noun
trial consignment
trial consignment
essay subject
subject for an essay
testing laboratory
testing laboratory
experimental type
testing engineer
test specimen
test piece
trial engagement
trial sample
experimental model
test ballot
test object Noun
test marketing
test market
testing program (me
testing program (me)
testing clause
hiring on probation
paste up Noun
trial run
pilot series
test shipment
trial shipment
test shipment
trial shipment
trial order
trial order
test period Noun
trial period Noun
qualifying period Noun, Employment
probation Noun
testing period Noun
probationary period Noun, Employment
probationary appointment
probationary term
guinea pig Noun
trial offer
trial delivery
pilot test
test bench
experimental theater Noun
test-tube baby
test tube baby
flying test bed
trial rate
trial flight
test flight (flying
shakedown flight
to be scheduled for its first flight Verb
to test fly Verb
method of trial and error
to essay Verb
test ban
staging environment : Bir web sitesinin canlı yayına geçmeden hemen önce, son kontrol amacıyla yayınlandığı test ortamı. Noun, Software
testing stand
experimental year
trial year
year of probation
experimental road
testing method
testing load
test load
original appointment
shakedown cruise
witness assembly
to cram an essay with quotations Verb
trial run of a plant
to give someone a trial Verb
breadboard Noun
stock trial order
probation period
probationary arrangement
to fight a test case in court Verb
probationary period
probationary term
probationary period
to cast your net far and wide Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Denemek işi, tecrübe