
  1. dweller
  2. static(al)
lying idle
idle Information Technology
voluminous Adjective
standing-man protest Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
to collide with a stationary vehicle Verb
work in abeyance
non-revolving assets Noun
fixed assets Noun, Accounting
Long-Term Assets Noun, Accounting
gross investment in fixed assets
changes in fixed assets Noun
money lying idle
standing passengers Noun
idle tenement
vacant house
void property
void property
idle facilities Noun
idle vessel
stopping train
to be a stickler for details
standing engine
lift to all floors
loose paragraphs Noun
real assets
tangible fixed assets Noun
tangible assets Noun
revaluation of tangible fixed assets
intangible assets Noun
inheritance in abeyance
inventory shrinkage
single house
sole advertisement
Other Fixed Assets Noun, Accounting
Other Tangible Fixed Assets Noun, Accounting
Other Intangible Fixed Assets Noun, Accounting
Other Financial Fixed Assets Noun, Accounting
Decrease in Value of Other Financial Fixed Assets (-) Accounting
Revaluation Fund of Tangible Fixed Assets Accounting
Financial Fixed Assets Noun, Accounting
Inventories and Tangible Fixed Assets to be Sold Noun, Accounting