
  1. secure
  2. dependable
safe to operate
as safe as houses
safety Noun
safe house Noun, Criminal Law
surely Adverb
confidently Adverb
safely Adverb
securely Adverb
surely Adverb
safety Noun
sound stocks Noun
sound stocks Noun
safe workplace
safely Adverb
saving investment
assured market
safe product
warm existence
secure investment
to ward Verb
quakeproof house Noun
safe disposal of nonrecoverable waste, residues
safe disposal of nonrecoverable waste, residues
no-brainer investment Noun, Banking
to invest one's money in safe stocks Verb
to invest one's money in safe stock Verb
to desire status and security Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Tehlikeden uzak, ... verici, emniyetli