
  1. Noun news
dispatches Noun
incorrect news Noun
press review Noun
report from the front
foreign news Noun
external communication
report from abroad
report from abroad
stop- press news Noun
startling news Noun
reliable news Noun
reliable reports Noun
disquieting news Noun
encouraging news Noun
internal communications Noun
home news Noun
business brief Noun
welcome news Noun
news items Noun
(Fr.) faits divers Noun
news in brief Noun
heavy tidings Noun
front news Noun
unofficial news Noun
red hot news Noun
news hot from the press Noun
red hot news Noun
stop press news Noun
recent news Noun
last news Noun
commercial news Noun
various pieces of news Noun
recent news Noun
recent news Noun
local news Noun
to gloat over the news Verb
to angle news Verb
to be overpowered by the news Verb
to be overwhelmed at the news Verb
news editor
How about ...? Sentence
economic news agency Noun
to shrug off bad news Verb