
  1. live
start in life
to start in life Verb
to launch into life Verb
to resuscitate Verb
resurrection Noun
viability Noun
implementation Noun
actualization Noun
realization Noun
to effectuate Verb
to embody Verb
to implement Verb
to effect Verb
to become reality Verb
offences against life Noun, Law
to take a fresh interest in life Verb
to implement ... Verb
to act on a thought Verb
to act on a thought Verb
to implement a decision Verb
to implement a plan Verb
to implement a policy Verb
to give someone a start Verb
to go to the dogs Verb
to get back into circulation Verb
privacy invasion Noun
right to respect to privacy Noun, Rights-Freedoms
right to respect for private life Noun, Rights-Freedoms
privacy invasion Noun
right to respect for private and family life Noun, Rights-Freedoms
to take a new lease of life Verb
to turn over a new leaf Verb